I can't remember the exact point at which I became aware of the creative force that is Ceci Johnson, but it was definitely on Instagram. I feel like I was always seeing her stunning artwork popping up everywhere - in the posts of those lucky enough to use her couture design services for their wedding invitations, in photos of glamorous events for which she designed everything from table linens to enormous monograms on the dance floors, and also Ceci herself, speaking at elite industry events around the world, inspiring others. I do remember that the instant I saw her name in my DMs I opened the message with lightening speed. Our first project was a custom pink dinosaur coat for her daughter to wear to her son's birthday party. Ceci's children's birthday parties are truly next level. I'm pretty sure the parents of the guests enjoy them as much as the kids do! We were thrilled to make the pink dinosaur coat for Elle to wear, and I realized that I had found someone as obsessed with design details as I am.

Ceci's daughter Elle, wearing Little Goodall - including the pink dinosaur coat!
We met in person for the first time in 2018. I was in Manhattan showing our Winter collection at Playtime NY, and Ceci was kind enough to invite me to stop by the Ceci New York headquarters to talk about a potential collaboration. I didn't know what to expect, but I had an idea of how busy her schedule was, so I was excited she was able to make time for me. The Ceci offices are gorgeous, and luxurious, with everything you would expect from a company that has designed invitations for everyone from celebrities to royalty. Ceci's watercolors are blown up to dazzling proportions on the walls, and you could spend all day just looking at the display of couture stationery. And then I met Ceci. The minute she walked into the room I felt at ease. Ceci is the real deal. She is as genuine in person as she appears in her personal instagram account, with a megawatt smile that convey's her enthusiasm for - literally - every detail of a project. She listens with her full attention, and soon you feel like she is as excited about your project as you are. Ceci has spent the past nineteen years redefining the industry that she leads, and the company she built from the ground up is a true reflection of her unique perspective and innovation. When I left our meeting that day, I knew working with Ceci and her team was going to be an absolute pleasure.
Ceci at work, and with her family.
I wasn't wrong. Ultimately, Ceci designed three exclusive fabric prints for our collaboration. The foundations of these prints are her original watercolors, which she created for each of three themes we chose from a selection her team developed. Yes - Ceci first drew, then hand painted each element of each design, and then she and her team arranged these elements into repeat patterns for our fabrics. They are stunning, and when made into garments, so different from anything we at Little Goodall have made before. At every step along the way, Ceci and I imagined what the little girls who will bring these designs to life would love to wear, from the texture of each fabric to the twirl of each skirt.
The original fabric prints were only the beginning. Over the upcoming weeks and months, I'm going to be sharing the next steps in our design process, along with the incredible designs themselves. The result is true celebration dressing; coats and dresses (and more!) for children to wear for the most special occasions each year. To celebrate this special collaboration, we've planned giveaways, exclusive gifts with purchase, special releases, and limited edition items to add to the fun.